If given a chance to explain myself, my answer to this question is “yes.” I understand the specification of “twenty-four hours” to be a rejection of something that I don’t believe. This is that each day in the story symbolizes millions or even billions of years. I understand “contiguous” to be a rejection of something else I also don’t believe. This is that there is a “gap” of millions or billions of years between each day. I believe that this Genesis story refers to something that happened “recently. “ The universe is now thought to be 13.7 years old. Planet earth is 7.5 billion years old, life on earth 3.7 billion, human life 200, 000 years and human civilization only 6,000 – 10,000 years ago. Any time line of the universe’s history shows how little of it is about human life as we know it. My reservation is that many discussions of this story pit it against Neo-Darwinism. There is no need to do this because aspects of it succumb to their own demerits. The ideas in Nietzsche and Schopenhauer are the actual recent contraries to Genesis 1. The Egyptian and Babylonian creation stories are the ancient ones. These are different issues for another time.